madly in love with Iraq


The Rage

George Bernard Shaw once said “Islam is the best religion with the worst followers”

Is it true?

Religion should bring peace and fill one’s heart with calmness, why Muslims are full of rage?

Why are they constantly trying to prove a point? And what is their point anyway?

I’ve came across many Muslims young and old, and a lot of them project anger and inferiority.

I am not in a position of discussing Islam in here; I have observations only;

Lately, a Muslim trainee joined us at work; he worked in my department. We had a big row because he insisted on leaving for 2hours every Friday for the prayers in a certain Mosque, I tried to explain that there is a near by Mosque which he can use, but no way. He filed a complaint against me, and said that I represent a bad image to Islam and all the rest. In the end, it was suggested that he wouldn’t get paid for these two hours to make all parties happy. Guess what? He started praying in the local Mosque, but of course was moved to another department!

My cousin was in a bus during Ramadan, and the driver left the bus for 15 minutes to break his fast! When he came back, and to the astonishment of the passengers, he preached them on the benefits of fasting, and of how they should respect other peoples’ faith.

Once I attended a conference through work, nothing to do with religion of course, and during the café break, one of the lecturers who happened to be a Muslim suddenly forced a religious conversation; and started a Heaven and Hell subject. He literally told everyone that only Muslims would go to Heaven! One said what about scientists? Thomas Edison for example? The Muslim man had no problem, and immediately replied; Edison will probably linger in the “Barzakh” (that is an area between Heaven and Hell described in the Quran), so he decided that Edison case would be an outstanding one for a while! In another words he played God and left him jobless.

That man Omar Khayam (not the poet) a 22years old Muslim who went out shouting and threatening in the demonstration back during the cartoon crisis, dressed in a suicide bomber outfit; turned out to be a cracked cocaine dealer and tagged by the police! But his pride was so overwhelming; he was not even bothered to keep a low profile!

An Arab who was so angry about the overthrown of Saddam, told me confidently that Saddam is a Muslim after all!
So, if a Muslim slaughters Iraqis it is ok, the slaughtering would be Halal!

You meet with people who have the cheek to say that they have a mission to turn this society to a Muslim one. Why? Simply because they can open their mouths freely and say so. Living in a secular society allowed them to practice this right.

It is a well-known fact that separating religion from politics made peoples’ lives better.

Why do Muslims project death and martyrdom, why don’t they say the basis of Islam is “who ever wishes to meet God, let them have a good deed in life and worship the one and only God”.
Islam encourages people to work, probably the only religion clearly stating that Work is the real worship, why don’t they show it?

Iraqis think having one joint problem or enemy or one leader or goal or faith make them stronger. I used to think the same. I felt so insecure when I came here because people are so diverse in their problems, in their beliefs even in their pleasure, I thought that is why there is no warmth in here; everyone leads a separate route. But later I found out that this is how it should be. Security comes from inside. Hiding behind others and trying to gain confidence and power through them is an illusion.
People were born to be different and they will continue to be so.

Faith is wonderful, I still remember my late uncle while trying to avoid my questioning eyes seeing him drinking alcohol, saying: Listen having faith in something, even if it was a piece of rock is better than being faithless.

Be religious, be atheist, be agnostic, be gay, be straight. You have your territory and I have mine.

I have to say this, not sure if it is related but, Tony Blair shocked a lot of people last night when he was cornered about his miscalculations of the Iraqi war by saying: I will be judged by God on that!

The over-stretching of an already respected freedom keeps on amazing me.


  • Very nice post. One of the things that makes me angry about this latest series of interventions in the ME is precisely the fact that many moderate Muslims are going to become radicalised, because they will think that their faith is what is being attacked.

    Then you will get the images shown on Western TV of the 'crazy Islamics' who 'want their 72 virgins', making things worse.

    I live in South Africa, and there is a sizable Muslim population here. They never cause trouble and I don't recall them shoving their faith down people's throats either.

    Just shows you how circumstance can modify people's behaviour.

    By Blogger Bruno, at 2:11 pm  

  • Hala,
    I can only say AMEN to your words! You speak for a lot of us, and you do it well!
    Thank-you for your brave and honest words.
    If more Muslims thought like you did, we wouldn't be in this mes...literally!

    By Blogger Zaineb Alani, at 3:06 pm  

  • I quote you frequently, on my Blog. It is good for those in the United States to see Iraqis talking about Iraq, no matter what their opinion, and I try to present all thoughts and ideas from Iraq.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:06 am  

  • Now why would a South African get so worked up about Iraq?

    Truth is, Bruno is an Iraqi expat who once worked with Saddam's foreign services (Diplomat of some kind) and is now living and working in California. Why he fears this, I don't know. He has an Italian alias as well as a few older ones he's not using much.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:27 am  

  • [FBI grunt] “Now why would a South African get so worked up about Iraq? Truth is, Bruno is an Iraqi expat who once worked with Saddam's foreign services (Diplomat of some kind) and is now living and working in California. Why he fears this, I don't know. He has an Italian alias as well as a few older ones he's not using much.”

    ROTFL! You are not much of a detective, that’s for sure. Check out my IP address. It is South African. I get worked up about Iraq because I am allergic to the lies and rolling disaster that is US foreign policy.

    Let me be quite honest with you.

    You are confusing me with other commenters that do exist.

    Your ‘Iraqi expat’ is most likely Not Anonymous, who has not been seen around for quite a while. I used to exchange emails with him on and off, but I haven’t heard from him in a long time. He was a valiant warrior indeed! His presence is sorely missed. Not, if you read this, drop me a line sometime.

    Your “Italian alias” is probably “An Italian” who IS Italian for sure. I also correspond with him from time to time.

    While I admit it is amusing to see all the little warmongers running around shrieking in fear at the omnipotent uber-commenter Not-Bruno-Italian-etc the truth is we are different people. Nobody would have as much time on their hands as to post that much.

    In any case, does it REALLY make a difference as to whether we are one or many?

    Surely it is our stances on the subjects that matter?

    So now pack it up, and get on with your life, Elie / friend-of-Elie.

    By Blogger Bruno, at 1:55 pm  

  • "Security comes from inside. Hiding behind others and trying to gain confidence and power through them is an illusion.
    People were born to be different and they will continue to be so."

    This is a lesson that I am trying to teach to my children here in the USA. Some of us Americans never learn it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:19 pm  

  • Someone help me get my jaw back to its place!!!!!!!!!!!
    I've always thought that such ignorant muslims are such a pain and act in that way only in our society. It's quite shocking to me that they try their crap on other societies too.

    I got hooked here. Please don't stop writing. If not about Iraq then about anything. You are marvelous!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:37 am  

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