madly in love with Iraq


A change of mood

My mother wore the headscarf for the first time yesterday. She tried to sound cheerful over the phone but her tone betrayed her. She kept on reassuring me the last few weeks of how things are not so bad in our area, and how she is still going for her daily walks in the vicinity with no problems.
She even made me laugh saying that she still carries her umbrella as a protection from the scorching sun; a habit she always insisted on, and used to cause us embarrassment.

I might sound silly; my mother after all is an old woman, what about young women or even children. But I am sad. I draw my strength and confidence from her.

I still remember when I wanted something or required her permission to go somewhere, I used to take her by surprise to guarantee her approval. Never ever she changed her mind even if she had had second thoughts. She wanted to prove to us all the time that her position and her words never change. Poor mother she did not even have the option of saying “your father didn’t agree” later on, because she was a single mother.

I cannot stand the idea of my mother changing let alone forced to do so.

All the signs show that in the middle of this madness; the only issue all battling groups seem to agree upon is women repression.
Iraqi women will lose regardless of who wins in the end.

I wrote the above yesterday evening.
Today I feel I cannot finish it….Why ?
Because I am happy, very happy indeed.

You all know why. Zarqawi is finished.

Things might not improve or change instantly, but this will definitely have a positive effect on Iraqis. It will bring back a long lost confidence; not in the government but in themselves and the future. The tables are turning at last.

I chose to celebrate with my colleagues at work. They were the ones who’ve seen my ups and downs. They are the ones whom I spend most of my time with.

I took them over to their favourite pub and bought them drinks.

My line manager threw a very nice speech; it did bring tears to my eyes, something that rarely happens.

It never occurred to me before, but it seems that they all know I am madly in love with Iraq!


  • Hala!
    The healthy thing is that he was turned in by his own network! Hopefully, Iraqis will come to understand that extremists have no place amongst us no matter what sect or ethnicity! Hopefully, this will be a sign for a growing trend. That way people can come to be focused against the real enemy, the occupiers!

    By Blogger Zaineb Alani, at 2:56 am  

  • you are right to be happy my friend. may God bless
    you, your family, and all the poor Iraqis who have suffered for so very long. there is nothing wrong with love or hope or faith and to endure in their name [alone] is true sacrifice, true martyrdom ... for love, hope and faith are part of Being, in which hate and murder have no part.

    tony, a christian and human. melbourne australia

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:25 am  

  • "That way people can come to be focused against the real enemy, the occupiers!"

    I can't figure why in the hell Bush thought Iraq would be better off without Saddam. Or why he thought they might want freedom. The U.S. lost thousands of lives,and spent 100's of billions we don't have,and for what? Gas has tripled in price,Arabs hate freedom(and the U.S.) more than ever,and mass murdering serial rapists like Zarqawi are like pop stars in the Muslim world.

    What a waste...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:50 am  

  • Congatulations Hala_S, life will get better seems to be a bit more Rats left around and thats all, all we need is a Bit of cheese ;)

    Thank you for your Comment earlier.
    Have a wonderful week.

    By Blogger Zappy Corleone, at 6:04 am  

  • By the way I was Watching Al JAzeera Covarage on the Subject of Zarqawi because I was sure they were going to Defend him, I was right..
    It showed how the Arab Countries Masses react, it also showed how foolish they are and it showed that many are Bigots, they hate us Iraqi's to the Marrow o thier bones.
    Husnie Mubarak Says Shiaites Loyalties are for Iran
    then he says %80 of Iraq are Shiaites
    Then he forgets that Iraq was at war with Iran for eight years! didn't he ever wonder why those "loyal to Iran" Shiates did not surrender the country to Iran?
    Or is he so filled with hate to the New Iraq?

    By Blogger Zappy Corleone, at 6:09 am  

  • thank you all for sharing the good news with me.
    anonymous, the problem is ordinary people see things differently from their rulers or governments. I would feel the same as you do if I was in your shoes. But Bush did not come to liberate Iraq or establish democracy.Interests in the area was the real reason. It would have been fine if it was done properly,nothing wrong with mutual interests. But you have to understand that your government kept a blind eyes to extremists and encouraged them to come to our land. We are all paying dearly, the blood whether it is iraqi or American worths much more than the billions. And you said it people like you and me gained nothing.
    We love freedom and we hate Saddam. You are very wrong. You don't understanding our culture and the way we think, so don't be judgemental. We have very deep roots in this land and we survived at least 20 invasions throughout history, yet we are still here, so please give us some credit if you don't mind!

    What else can we do? n8ashmur 3la rohna hata nifrah shwaya.
    I stopped watching Al Jazeera long time ago, but others are doing the same job. I call them success enemeies. They try to minimize any achievement and kill any hope even false hopes.

    By Blogger hala_s, at 9:58 am  

  • Well...
    I guess after all the troublesome years, yeah...Iraqis do deserve to have some moments of pure joy without having to think of what comes later.
    Maybe because I'm away now, because I've got less to worry about, I could allow myself to think further. Think of things like who succeeds Zarqawi and all. But well...he's dead. That's all that matters :)

    By Blogger Riot Starter, at 12:00 am  

  • The head scarf thing.
    Maybe I understand your mind. Perhaps you and Riot, and Hnk, and ? are of the same. You are the product of international-minded, well traveled, professional parents who value a "modern"(not necessarily Western) scientific education. I agree with these aims for our daugters as far as I have described here.

    But my question is, "Where is the role of modesty in this educational process?" So, I suppose you will emphaisise that a) wearing a scarf has been forced, out of fear of retribution, upon your mother, and b) head scarves and modesty are not necessarily casually linked. This is all true. And for the sake of this "truth" he material excesses of our societies are promoted like candy, it is the relatively rare person from an culture that can refuse the candy of excessive materialism. At first it isn't felt as an excess, it seems rather a reward.... for? for being "deprived" (always on the outside of the candy shop), for some entitlement, ie right "to flaunt what you got".

    The scarf is a symbol. to my mind it represents a symbol of "modesty". I would not see it as a trauma to be forced to be "modest". It's all in the mind, right? The scarf doesn't control the mind. But the scarf is a reminder of what we should think about..."submission". Is submission such a really bad thing?

    I would never support a see-through blouse for our daughters even though the same arguement could be used, "It's all in the mind. A see-through blouse and a materialistic mind are not necessarily casually connected." Some would deny a see-through blouse represents excess (If you got it, flaunt it) And the second arguement is "Freedom". Just as You value freedom to wear or not to wear, so you value the freedom of others to to drink or not to drink, to wear or not wear. And no one has a right to complain? Is this what being modern means? To close one's eyes to excessive immorality?

    Iraqi society was deprived of being able to make the choice. So very soon they might be able to. They might be able to choose whether to have neighborhoods "near their train stations" (I am thinking of where I live now when I say this) just like some of the most morally bankrupt places in the West. Great. What a wonderful gift our American GIs are giving you. I pray that your Iraqi countrymen will be eternally grateful. Grateful for the right to choose to behave worse than animals.

    No! I am sorry (Japanese cultural expression, I've been here too long ;-) I don't share your sadness for your mother to feel her freedom of expression is burdened by having to wear a scarf. There are so many women in Pakistan, India, Africa who are truly burdened with oppressive social punishments, and traditions, for me to feel much sadness here reading that wearing a scarf causes so much psychological anguish.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 11:21 am  

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